Volkswagen - Old Volkswagen Station Wagons never die. (1966) printad (USA)

Old Volkswagen Station Wagons never die.

The things some people can do with an old box.

But then, he didn't start with any old box. He started with a Volkswagen Station Wagon. Which has about twice the amount of space as an ordinary wagon.

There was room for everything.
A refrigerator, a stove, a table, an in stant chili dispenser, and of course, the proverbial kitchen sink.
And a way for it all to get in. The two side doors open into a huge 4' by 4' hole.
Also, its roof may be high compared to other wagons, but its overhead is low. Our Standard VW wagon costs only $2,337.*
However, if you're planning to go into
the restaurant business, better not buy one new. (The body's been welded into one solid piece of steel, the tires alone will last for 35,000 miles, and on top of everything else, there are four coats of protective paint.)
It'll take too long to get a new one into bad enough shape.

Volkswagen of America, Inc. *Suggested Retail Price, East Coast P.O.E., Local Taxes and Other Dealer Delivery Charges, if Any, Additional.

Ad agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), New York

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