"Try before you buy" new tactic to sell homes in Denmark allow customers to live in home for a week before buying it

Home.dk, one of Denmark's largest realtor firms has a new tactic to attract customers in the disastrously slow Danish housing market. You may try living in the house or apartment of your choice for a full week for free before you decide to buy it - or not as the case may be. We've seen the try before you buy tactic applied to everything from makeup to electric razors - but to homes? There's a new twist on an old trick.

Home's communications director Niels H. Carstensen said to JydskeVestkysten: "It is to be creative and looks at selling homes in a different way" but he also doesn't hide the fact that the current market forces realtors to find new selling tricks. "They are empty anyway" Jan Nordman, communications Director of EDC Mæglerne states dryly.

Solgt Eiendomsmegling in Norway also use the "try the house before you buy" offer. "Perhaps this will become a new trend, because really it should be this way, so that people can try a home and see what it is like" said realtor Tore Espeland to Finansavisen.

When will this trend reach the United states, where the housing market seems to be in total freefall? My guess is roughly in....five....four...three....

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