
Folkpartiet election film - Ice Hockey Game (1994) (Sweden)

Here's a surreal little election animation.

Europalinjen / EU - The pub chat (1994) (Sweden)

Two men in a pub somewhere discuss Sweden and its membership in EU election.

Ross Perot - Our Children - (1992) election ad

The all text ad that ran across the faces of children.

Ross Perot - Red Ink / War - (1992) election ad

Ross Perot - Economy - (1992) election ad

"The issue is the economy"

Socialdemokraterna - Kan vi bry oss om varandra? (1988) :75 (Sweden)

People tell the camera what they want.

Miljöpartiet de gröna / Green party - The Party leaders rap / Partiledarna (1988) :30 (Sweden)

Ingvar Carlsson, Bengt Westerberg, Carl Bildt

Miljöpartiet / Green Party - Sex / Darling can we take this off? (1987) (Sweden)

As this couple is engaging in a little sexy time, the woman starts complaining and saying "Honey, can't we remove this...?" But her man

LO - Sjukvården / How are you doing? (1987) :50 (Sweden)

Nurses at a hospital have some fun, and some not so fun, times at work.

SAP / Socialdemokraterna - Why should we care about each other? - (1985) :75 (Sweden)

Back when Socialdemokraterna were still called Socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet - Reklamfilm SAP Varför ska vi bry oss om varandra?

Labour isn't working - billboard 1978

This poster is often cited as being instrumental in the fall of James Callaghan's Labour administration, and certainly changed the way political

Nixon - Vietnam - (1968) :40 (USA)

Nixon VO: Never has so much military, economic and diplomatic power been used so ineffectively as in Vietnam.

Johnson - Daisy countdown / Daisy girl - (1964)

"One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Seven...Six....Six...." Lyndon B.

"The blind are also color blind" - support of the Civil Rights bill, 1964

Photo Taken At The Foundation For The Junior Blind Summer Camp, Los Angeles, By Doug Wilson.

Johnson - Peace little girl / Daisy girl - (1964) .60 (USA)

This ad known as "Daisy Girl", ran only once as a paid advertisement, during an NBC broadcast of Monday Night at the Movies on September 7,

Eisenhower - I like Ike animation & jingle - (1952) :60 (USA)

The "I Like Ike" animated television commercial, produced by Roy Disney and Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon.

Federal Civil Defense Administration - Duck and Cover / Bert the turtle - (1951)

Duck and Cover was a social guidance film produced in 1951 by the United States federal government's


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