Sticky Buddy - 'even if its a quickie, wrap up your sticky'

Here's your Friday fun; the Sticky Buddy Dub by Jaboody Dubs. It's the dirty mind dub-extra funny. Even if it's a quickie wrap up your stickie. I don't care how smelly or hairy your carpets are, my rubber fingers will get in there. Check out the suggestively sized stickie. Double-o-seven. Stop rolling up your money with those lint rollers, the fuck the wrong with you? Wear headphones or risk that humorless person in your office reporting you for watching porn. Click the button. Do it.

And here's a bonus cutepocalypse for those who now need a re-adjustment of their 'tude. Hot buttered sloths have always been my favorite of the seven deadly sins. Hang in there until the end when they hug omg the cute, I DIE... ...gasp, call 911.... .

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