Smirnoff - The Ice Pick -- 1972 - printad (USA)

The Ice Pick. (Smirnoff and iced tea.)

We discovered long ago how well iced tea and Smirnoff go together.

But we hesitated to recommend it on the grounds that you might find it too much trouble, steeping the tea and all that fuss. Now it turns out there are lemon-flavored iced tea mixes that work just fine. And you don't even have to boil water Therefore we invite you to try the Ice Pick, a tall, tasty summer drink that's easy to make after all. We only ask that before you serve it, you let everyone know that they're not just drinking iced tea.

To make an Ice Pick your an ounce or so of Smirnoff into a tall glass filled with ice. Fill with lemon-flavored iced tea.

Smirnoff leaves you breathless

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