Salvation Army "Open House." (2016) 1:36 (Canada)

When he's not busy punching boobs Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau likes to appear on 60 Minutes to lecture Americans about how they should pay more attention to the world. He might stop throwing rocks at glass houses (and punching boobs for that matter) and tend to his own garden. Because if this PSA for the Salvation Army Canada is correct, 1 in 10 Canadians live in poverty and the majority of Canadians have no idea.
To get the word out, the Salvation Army held a very different kind of open house. One that was plastered with facts and figures in each room to show just how dire the situation is for nearly 3.2 million Canadians. In every room there was a stat that drove home the situation in what may be the best contextual advertising I've seen in a while.
I like how it stops people in their tracks in such a big way. Here they are, looking for a new house, because presumably they have enough discretionary income to buy one, and they are literally spending a few minutes living in the shoes of someone who skips meals, is late on payments, has to go to the food bank and can't afford basic necessities.
The Salvation Army also created a virtual tour so anyone can see the staggering statistics.
This activation is incredibly smart work from Grey Canada. Really great work.

gency: Grey Canada
Chief Creative Officer: Patrick Scissons
Creative Director: Joel Arbez
Creative Director: James Ansley
Art Director: Ryan McNeill
Writer: Sue Kohm
Account Executive: Kit Kostandoff
Producer: Erica Metcalfe
Print Producer: Elizabeth Macaulay
Mac Artist: Steven Lobel
Director of Technology and UX: Marc Cattapan
Developer: Darren Neville
Digital Producer: Jaan Yew Woon

Production Company: Skin and Bones Film Company
Director: Fraser White
Executive Producer: Liane Thomas
Line Producer: Jeff Schwartz
Director of Photography: Mark Peachey

Editorial: Saints Editorial
Executive Producer: Michelle Lee
Editor: Robin Haman

Post Production: Alter Ego
Executive Producer: Cheyenne Bloomfield
Colourist: Tricia Hagoriles
Online: Steve McGregor

Music and Sound Design: Grayson Matthews
Executive Producer: Kelly McCluskey

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