POWERADE - Claressa Shields / U.S. Olympian - Girl's Place (2016) :15 (USA)

As the world gears up for the Rio Olympics, Olympians Claressa Shields, Lopez Lomong and Olympic hopeful Shakur Stevenson are the new athletes to appear in Powerade's "Just a Kid" campaign. See the ads featuring Shakur Stevenson, and Lopez Lomong here.

The idea is to feature athletes who come from humble beginnings, because gold winners and record breakers all have one thing in common, drive. This is a free resource, couple that with talent and hard work and you're well on your way. Claressa "T-Rex" Shields is the first female from the United States to win an Olympic Gold Medal in boxing. She triumphed in London 2012. She's originally from Flint, Michigan, a city whose name is now coupled with lead water scandal. A film about her life is in development by Universal Pictures. Lopez Lomong is a U.S. Olympian who hails originally from Sudan. At the age of six he was abducted during the Sudanese Civil War, and he escaped by running for three days straight. After years in refugee camps, he made it to U.S where he was granted refugee status and American citizenship, and competed for Team USA in 2008 and 2012. Shakur Stevenson is the U.S. Olympic Trials Champion in boxing and Americas Olympic Qualifier gold medalist. He was introduced to boxing when he was only five years old by his grandfather in New Jersey.

These fifteen are just teasers for a longer ad that will roll out on NBCUniversal during the Rio Olympic games.

ad agency: Wieden + Kennedy Portland

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