Pornhub - Premium Parmigiano-Reggiano - (2015) :30 (USA)

Pornhub are trying so hard to make "Pornhub premium" a thing that they've run afoul of a trademark. In this commercial, the man says that a Parmigiano-Reggiano he's selected is the "Pornhub premium of cheese". The idea is the same as in Pornhub Premium Wedding Dress and Pornhub Premium Real estate, but for one teeny detail; Parmigiano-Reggiano is a registered trademark, and you do not mess with other peoples trademarks. (Hear that, Adage?) In other words, it's a poorly inserted (heh) catchphrase into a standard situation, sort of like the bom chicka wah wah ads tried to ride an old phrase, but now in reverse. (get your heads out of the gutter there, cowgirls).

Parmigiano-Reggiano called the ad “not only distasteful and unacceptable, but offensive for our producers and their work” and further claimed that the video was “vulgarly aimed at making a profit from the exploitation of the fame gained by Parmigiano-Reggiano”.

Spokesman Igino Morini from Parmigiano-Reggiano made sure to point out the main problem: “In the advert they’ve used the term Parmigiano-Reggiano, not the term parmesan which can be used generically in the US”.

Pornhub has responded by censoring the ad on their youtube channel and calling it "banned", bleeping the trademark in the dialogue. Much like how we handled that Sprite "blowjob" spec ad created by Max Isaacson at Greencard pictures when the trademark was defended. Starve a lawyer, respect a trademark.

Client: Pornhub

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