Ogilvy Paris running out of money for Stock Photo? Uses same image for Dove and Epson campaigns

EPSON - long live memories

The New Epson campaign from Ogilvy Paris has a lovely portrait of an aged lady, where the lines in her face seem to be actual lines of text, each line telling the story of her life. Epson signs off with "long live memories", with tiny white script in the right hand corner, sits back and likely waits for the awards. The image is currently showing up on various shortlists, this is the season.

But the awards will not come. Because Dove already did this. With the same image. The same discreet white script, then stating "Love Your Life", and - here's the kicker - produced by the same agency. Yes, Ogilvy Paris did that one too, you can view it in Lürzers Archive [4.0813 ]. Back in 2008 this ad was good enough to see the light of day at Lürzers and various adfests, however, little birdies tell me that Dove have not seen nor signed off on this ad.

Which may explain why Ogilvy Paris tried again and re-used it for Epson. Photos cost money youknow, these days we're squeezing blood out of rocks to make ends meet. Careful you don't squeeze true creativity to death while you're at it.

Take a bow JoeLaPompe.

Update Please check out Ogilvy's response here; Ogilvy Paris explains: That photo printed with an Epson birthed another idea

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