Nude woman in a box fails to impress teenagers.

The woman from steps behind a screen, removes all her clothes and steps into an empty brown box that she calls the ’BodyBox’.

She then walks out into the middle of the floor, and while filming her own body with a video camera which projects her filmed nude skin to a large screen on the wall, she explains; "I'm flexible. I adapt."

This happened yesterday at a career fair in Copenhagen reports Politiken.

The woman isn't really a consultant selling courses for 6000 DKK per twenty minutes, and plain brown boxes to wear at job interviews.

It's performance art by Annika Britt Lewis, who wants us to reflect on the way we push people into boxes, to reshape ourselves to fit into a corporate view of how to be. Teenagers who attended the event weren't impressed;

"I think our generation is a little tired that everything has to be so extreme. Everyone tries to entice our interests with fake advertising or other events. I'm a quite tired that it all tries to be so provocative. If you have a message, why don't you just spit it out?"

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