MoFilm invited "Forrest Gump" director to London Film Festival as apology for rewarding a copy

MoFilm has invited the original "Forrest Gump in one minute" director to the London Film Festival, as the guest of MOFILM and the One Minute One Take film will be shown during the MOFILM London Film Festival ceremony.

We would like apologise unreservedly once more for this error. We didn’t realise that the film that we chose was a copy, we would have instantly removed the submission from the competition if we had. As it stands, the original winner has now had their prizes revoked and we will be announcing a new winner soon.

How did that copy sneak by? No one seems to know. Just a couple of days ago they told the original Forrest Gump guy thanks, we've been made aware of it in comments but still won't change the winners. Comments on the Nokia blog show that people are quite upset by the whole thing, and Nokia's most recent blog post here leaves me more confused. They're saying that Jemma Lyon helped on the shoot of the original Forrest Chump?

Having continued to investigate the original minimo Critics Choice Award, it appears that one of our student team assisted in the making of the video, including offering their Nokia handset to shoot the short film and suggesting that the film was okay to submit to the competition. We are obviously very disappointed to discover that this has happened. While we believe that the original winner did not intentionally break the terms and conditions of the competition, the submission remains disqualified.

Compare that to the winning Nokia video here

See earlier posts at Adage and Adrants-

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