The "lost" mac ads.

Mac ads are fun to spoof. Unlike Dell ads, IBM ads, Gateway ads, Microsoft ads... etcerea. ;9
Best Week Ever unveiled the Lost Mac ads this week featuring Christian Finnegan and Nick Kroll.

Bestweek ever mac ads

Script 1
Nick Kroll: Hello, I’m a Mac
Christian Finnegan: And I’m a PC
Kroll: I’m into doing fun stuff like music, movies podcasts, stuff like that.
Finnegan: And I’m into important stuff like spreadsheets, timesheets and pie charts.
Kroll: That’s cool but you can’t capture your family’s vacation on a pie chart.
Finnegan: Right, but a podcast about your favorite hoodies and independent film won’t help you pay for that vacation.
Kroll: No, that’s what my trust fund is for, but that’s a pretty sweet idea for a podcast.
Finnegan: Why am I even wasting my time talking to this jackass?
Kroll: Dude, don’t be a hater! You can borrow my isight camera.

Script 2
Nick Kroll: Hello, I’m a Mac.
Christian Finnegan: And I’m a PC.
Kroll: Dude, I just made this sweet mashup with the new Gnarls Barkley song mixed with scenes from Psycho the Alfred Hitchcock classic the other day on my Mac. It’s pretty meta.
Finnegan: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Knoll: Basically I stole footage from Psycho and then borrowed music from the Gnarls Barkley song and put them all together. It’s mad stupid.
Finnegan: Do you know what I think is stupid?
Kroll: What?
Finnegan: Expensive worn jeans, ironic t-shirts and pretentious film school glasses.
Kroll: Do you mean like stupid stupid or cool stupid?

Script 3
Nick Kroll: Hello, I’m a Mac.
Christian Finnegan: And I’m a PC.
Kroll: Oh righteous, you’ve got an iPod!
Finnegan: Yes, it works with my PC. I also enjoy listening to songs.
Kroll: Well you should check out iPhoto, iMovie, iWeb, they all work like iTunes. You know it’s like iLife. It comes with every Mac.
Finnegan: Have you ever heard of You Shut?
Kroll: No, what is that? Some PC program that competes with Mac?
Finnegan: No. You Shut the f**k up you pompous pr*ck or I’ll shove this iPod up your ass.
Kroll: That’s like a really long name for a software program.
Finnegan: Yeah.

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