Little Wayne turns Oreo cookies Guinness Record attempt into crumbs.

In a desperate bid to become social-marketing relevant, Oreo cookies announced that they wanted to break the Guinness World Record on Tuesday for the most "Likes" to a Facebook post within 24 hours.

Let’s go for over 50,000 likes

said the cookies-page humbly on Monday. Well along came Lil' Wayne, and the record was pretty much crushed in an instant as you can see in the screenshots above. The thing is, one has to register the record breaking attempt in advance, and Lil'Wayne isn't really after it, as much as he is showing off.

And yes, Guinness actually has a page keeping track of world records on facebook. I don't know what is the saddest part of this story. I think I need a cookie.

Baby-steps, Oreo, baby-steps.

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