Link Lust: Will You Still Link Me Tomorrow?

Stefan Gruber's sweet Big Gulp animation.

There's finally a Pigeon holed (es, se) of the naughts, Advergirl lists the 10 Habits of Highly Annoying Agency Humans. Some of those described probably work in your office .

Spoofing ads is fun. Blond meets Apple and Milk meets the wassup kids.

TiVO to measure ad skipping. And if you didn't know how to make your "advance button" the "skip ads button" here's how. While watching a recording, press: Select Play Select 3 0 Select

Copyright and wrong. Why is it that infringement which could entail prison, never seems to lead to prison? Burnsautoparts reckons we should lobby for stricter application of the criminal parts of the law. What say you?

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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