Katy Perry and the Popcats - (2013) 3:00 (USA)

A creative team were way too inspired by the book Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs and decided to pun Katy Perry into Katy Purry for this three minute skit. While the kitties wear wigs and do a pretty bang up job of typing while staring intently at cat-trainer, Katy has to endure bad makeup and unflattering shiny jumpsuits. And this from a lady who makes cotton-candy colored latex dresses look good. The Scooby doo inspired van and cat-related puns aren't helping. Katy and the popcats try to fight bad fatty chips, and there's a showdown with lazers in the fatty-chip warehouse. Yep. Lazers that distract cats. Come back Aston, all is forgiven, honestly.

CEO: Keith Belling
SVP Marketing: Michael Parisi
Director, Brand Marketing: Stefanie Grossman
Director, PR: Natalie Beitashour

Ad agency: Zambezi
Founder/ Executive Creative Director: Brian Ford
Founder/ Managing Director: Chris Raih
Creative Director: Madeleine Grandbois
Art Director: Justin Wright
Executive Producer: Alex Cohn
Senior Producers: Jamie Tompetrini, Eli Shillock
Associate Producer: Summer Allgyer
Account Supervisor: Alissa Adler
Editor: Ling Ly

Production Company: Partizan
Director: Jared Eberhardt
CEO/ Exec Producer: Sheila Stepanek
Producer: Matthieu Dahdah
Senior Producer: Tova Dann

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