Freeview Play - Launch - (2015) 2:00 (UK)

This beautiful and inspiring ad charts the journey of a little television in a totalitarian world of zeppelins and goosestep marching. The brief isn’t showing, but one can see Freeview positioning themselves as the underdog in a world dominated by giants: Sky, Virgin, BT. Much like Taco Bell's Routine Republic Hunger Games pastiche in the US,they’re the timid rebel in a dystopia where we must step in line - here quite literally. One sees echoes of Apple's 1984, a single figure rebelling against the brainwashed masses, a revolution of one.

Tears will be jerked, while the music choice of Les Miserables’ I Dreamed A Dream complements the narrative perfectly. It’s testament to the sheer evocativeness and attention to detail, that an old-fashioned telly with a doily and flowerpot on top can be transformed into a dictatorial villain. It's impossible until you see it done, then it's almost impossible to imagine it in any other way.

Forget about surfers, gorillas or robots being the benchmark that we continually return to. Ads like these are a reminder of why we love, and work, in the business. And yet taking a step back do these repeated themes of dictatorship, censorship and surveillance represent some greater cultural unease with the society in which we currently inhabit?

Animation: Electric Theatre Collective

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