Ferrari Barcode design - subliminal branding on race cars?

Graphology has a lengthy post about the sneakiest design ever. The Design uses haliation, a well known phenomena in road sign design that has birthed new typefaces specifically designed with it in mind, to make the viewer see something that isn't there. The barcode design is devilishly clever, once that red Ferrari starts dashing around the racetrack at X miles per hour.

See, Marlboro sponsors the Ferrari cars, but Marlboro can not brand the Ferrari cars in the EU. So they just whispered a zebra-design onto the car, and with haliation in action, you'll see the Marlboro brand.

European officials were not amused calling the Ferrari F1 barcode design a ‘smokescreen for cigarette adverts’. Ferrari has decided to remove the barcode design from the cars. Whatever they come up with next, I bet it's even sneakier.

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