Failing to create a dance craze - Rude Box what?

Robbie Williams new single "Rude Box" sounds like my dreams after I've fallen asleep playing my eighties vinyl collection - there ain't a note in it I haven't heard before. ;) How appropriate then that the "viral" to launch it is another regurgitated phenomena, the youtubified dance craze. Trying to be the bababababa bird flu of the UK, but failing. See, the bird flu dance craze to DJ Lewis song actually had some kind of rule - "mimic a dying chicken" - and the results looked like this #1 #2 #3 #4 #5.

The rude box "dance" on the other hand seems to have no rules. Or perhaps it's "dance in a white bikini top". Hmmm. See more examples of the "craze" here: youtube search.

It's quite simple to start a dance craze really. Pull off a funky move, and let people imitate it. I do it every Friday night when I rule the floor baby. Now, since nobody is doing the same moves what is the Rude Box dance? Seems there has been a lot of effort put into these films to make us believe there's a dance craze... but there's no dance.

This could explain why where you can upload your own dances is so empty. ;)

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