DTS & Ignited @ E3 - Plug In Tees - Ignited for DTS “Break Your Sound Barriers” to highlight Headphone: X

Ignited created “Break Your Sound Barriers” campaign to highlight Headphone: X  for DTS 

The technology is available for demonstration at E3 2013; the Electronic Entertainment Expo an annual video game conference, The Man Of Steel soundtrack by Hans Zimmer is available now for download to experience the higher quality of sound provided by DTS. You can check out the live banner ads here: http://www.gamesradar.com/  


But, that's not all, at E3 Ignited invited party attendees to mingle with these gals to demo the technology at the Gameradar Remix event (#gameradarE3party). The ladies are wearing plug in tees. Booth babes. Very predictable. The fact that their T-shirts made noise is less so.

The booth babes showing off the plug-in tees
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