Don't sing Pias tune - Danish political viral.

The 8th of February Denmark heads to the polls. As you might know, Venstre [V] ("the left" which confusingly enough are the conservative right) the Conservative People Party Konservative Folkeparti [C] and the Danish People Party are in the current government and hope to be re-elected.

Pia Kjærsgaards party DPP however is anti-EU and anti-immigration in many ways. (see brief commentary at Worldpress) and there are quite a few who don't want to see them re-elected. Let the political ad games begin. has launched Denmark's first non-party affiliated political ad, all they want is for people to realize that a vote for any of the above parties will result in the same type of coalition government that Denmark has today, so it is in effect a vote for Pia as V and C can not govern without her parties support.
Download the ad (Quicktime) here and pass it on.

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