Domino's Pizza "cave man couch"

A contender for the silliest promotion of the year, Domino's Pizza has put together what they are calling the "Cave Man Couch". Touting it as a" gift for the 'caveman' who has everything", the price tag for this promo item rings in at $30,000 USD, which doesn't include the $5,000-7,000 shipping fee or sales taxes.

It's also filled with cross promo items such as a Xbox with three controlers, XM Radio with one year service, Nextel cell phone and NASCAR headset, Domino's Heat Wave hot bags to keep pizza warm, and Coca Cola beverage cooler. Not a part of the couch but also included is a Kodak Easy Share camera and a years supply of Old Spice deodorant and body spray.

A neat idea but will anyone fork out that much to have it or give it?

It's also worthwhile to note that the couch is a "one of a kind" item and only the first to call in to order it will get it.

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