Coke to sue itself

The New York Times reports about Coke Zeros new campaign in: Can’t Tell Your Cokes Apart? Sue Someone. The campaign created by Crispin Porter & Bogusky in Miami touts the "tastes exactly like original Coke" idea by showing Coke having a hissyfit and wanting to sue Coke Zero for taste infringement. It plays down the whoe "diet" thing while playing up the taste thing quite well.

The "notion is to show what happens inside the company when the company sees people getting confused between Coke and Coke Zero," Mr. [Alex] Bogusky said [to the NYT].
"People just love the fact this company is making fun of itself," he added. "There was some trepidation, but it's a fun idea."
Some of the ads feature actual lawyers on hidden camera, others are actors, and the plan is to spread the films all over the web.

Coke vs Coke Zero

See film here in the commercial-archive.

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