Coke Ad Ticks Off American Trucking Association

You might be surprised to hear who's unhappy about Coca Cola's Full Throttle pre-game ad. No it's not Red Bull, who the ad goes after (literally).

The president of American Trucking Associations has written the chairman and chief executive officer of Coca-Cola expressing the ATA’s concern over the spot where a loaded Full Throttle semi-tractor trailer forces a much smaller passenger (Red Bull) vehicle off the road.

"We strongly believe that this advertisement will reinforce and help perpetuate a negative stereotype that the trucking industry and our professional drivers have fought long and hard to overcome," Bill Graves, ATA president and chief executive officer said in a letter to E. Neville Isdell, chairman and chief executive officer of Coca-Cola.

He also felt the ad left a tarnished impression of the trucking industries commitment to safety.

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