Candle Takes Mira Shower Radio Spots To The Shower

When Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy were planning their Mira Showers Radio campaign they wanted something really authentic. So creatives David Hobbs and Richard Stoney got together with Candle composer Charlie Spencer and decided to record adaptations of three well-known songs - not in the studio with added shower FX - but actually in a real shower.

Candle arranged "Stand By Me", "Don't Cha" and "For Once In My Life" and then transported the singers, togged up in their cossies, to the new shower in studio manager Phil Thurston's flat. Here they recorded the vocals under the shower with their mobile unit before returning to the Candle studio to record the voice-over and musical backing tracks.

The photos show the singers at work. The campaign breaks nationally on the 23rd October. More pics of singers in the shower inside or listen to the radio spots right here - "Fore once in my life - Don'tcha

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