3D and hangers for your concepts

Earlier this month UK 3D innovations company, Create 3D, produced the first 3D moving media campaign of its kind for Bacardi. Fallon London looked to Create 3D to provide a flat, single-colour graphic to fit ‘6 sheet’ poster units that would incorporate 3D effect and motion. They wanted the viewer to interact with the dancer and 'move' with the image. The poster character ‘responds’ by replaying at the same speed as the viewer. It is the first time that a flat poster has provided 3D viewing and motion in the same image.

Another 3D possible ad medium comes from Japan. This invention uses laser beams and plasma to create floating light images. The system is being developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Tokyo, in collaboration with Burton Inc and Keio University. They see the possibilities of using this technology for advertising.

The third media is ads on hangers. Yes, that's right. And they have even gotten Miami Ad School involved. Check out a larger image here.

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